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My path has not been an easy one. Abandonment, isolation, intimidation, rape, fear, and shame. And in a futile struggle to conform, nearly a complete loss of my self. My only salvation was my art. Transforming what I could find no words to express into images of raw emotion that offered at least some hope of release. I know now that I cannot escape what has happened to me. But, through my work, I also know there is some light in the darkness.


AND, though I have only recently moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico, I can already see the effect living here has had on my work as a woman artist and on myself. Coming from a major metropolitan area, the steady silence here, the endless skies, the vast landscapes with its long shadows and yellow highlights skimming across the ground each morning have inspired me to relinquish the fear and constraints I struggled with in the city.


I now feel freer to expose my raw and genuine emotions that I express with my brushes and paints. And the embracing community I've found has only encouraged me to dig deeper and reveal more of what has been oppressed and hidden in my spirit. 


© 2015 by D. Matlin   

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